Second-Generation Biofuels

SynSel’s biorefineries are economically viable and profitable without government subsidies. However current US financial incentives for the manufacturing of renewable biofuels further increases plant profitability. The produced Second-Generation Biofuel is superior to First-Generation Biofuels like ethanol and bio-diesel in many ways including:


The biofuel is an environmentally responsible drop-in replacement for fossil-based fuel. Unlike ethanol and biodiesel, SynSel fuel does not require 10-1 blending with fossil fuels to maintain engine performance.


The biofuel does not have “blend wall” limitations faced by ethanol and bio-diesel. Global demand for SynSel’s drop-in fuel is rapidly increasing

Enviornmental Profile

The biofuel provides a direct path to mitigate global warming due to its dramatic reductions in life-cycle carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions.

Social Acceptance

The biofuel is made with non-food feedstock that does not displace cropland or threaten food supplies and biodiversity like First-Generation Biofuels.

Energy Independence


SynSel’s biofuel represents a path towards Energy Independence from foreign and imported sources of fossil fuels. Likewise, SynSel’s biofuel is domestically produced and is not dependent on the foreign control of vital minerals used in EV batteries: cobalt and lithium carbonite
